Is Your Organization Ready For Change?
From an early age, Kia Jarmon's parents received report card notes saying she talked too much. It comes as no surprise that, that time was preparing her for a lifetime of getting paid to speak - which she's been doing for more than 20 years.
Witty and sharp, known as “Kiss With a Fist”, Kia brings an entrepreneurial, disruptive, yet practical approach to reshaping how to operationalize and sustain change. Industry agnostic, Kia is able to navigate complex conversations around any number of industry verticals.
Kia is available to partner with high-impact, mission-driven organizations* to provide custom workshops, facilitate hard conversations, or deliver a compelling keynote to a small work group or a conference room filled with thousands. Jarmon also consults on system, organization, or leadership change; and facilitates safe space dialogues..
Her most popular sessions focus on:
designing a culture of psychological safety and cultural humility
history of racism and how to develop a policy and practice of anti-racism
equity, inclusion, and diversity for nonprofit board, staff, and volunteers
prioritizing justice over charity
the excellence of Black philanthropy
the history of philanthropy and nonprofits, and the nonprofit industrial complex
designing an organizational culture of curiosity
implicit bias, identity, and there role in your diversity initiative
meaningful community engagement: a methodology and approach to connecting with people
*high-impact initiatives or mission-driven organizations can be led by nonprofits, colleges and universities, corporations with social responsibility programs, government agencies, professional associations, or faith centers*