Book Kia For Your Next Event!
The Excellence of Black Philanthropy with Philanthropy Together
Research shows that Black philanthropists give about $11 billion annually to support organizations and causes, primarily Black-led — and that’s just what’s recorded! Giving often and giving collectively is a longstanding tradition in the Black community. Share space and join in a conversation with leaders in Black Philanthropy as they discuss the past, present and future of Black giving. You’ll leave with inspiration and a model path forward for your giving circle.
Kia designed this panel topic along with the team at Philanthropy Together, as well as moderated the discussion.
Keynote - Are You Telling The Best Story as a Grant Writer with Grant Professionals Association
Public Participation in Planning with Cumberland Region Tomorrow
Equity in the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs Movement) with ACES Connection
Being Black in Academic & Corporate Culture with Nat’l Assoc of Colleges & Employers
“One of the best, if not the BEST, session that I have attended at a NACE Conference. I highly recommend that this session is one that all Director/Executive Directors of career centers as well as recruitment leaders of employer partners watch as well.”
“Some poignant and brave points were brought up and many blind spots addressed. Great session.”
“Literally one of the most well delivered, relevant presentations I have seen through NACE. Excellent!! I shared with my colleagues.”
“This was a very important session considering everything happening in our country right now. I'm glad that we are speaking honestly about these kinds of topics and I hope that we can have more conversations in the future.”
“This session was amazing! From the panelist, to the content presented, engaging dialogue, and more...made this one of the best virtual sessions that I've attended with NACE. Great job and I look forward to seeing more from the panelist.”
“This is one of the best NACE Connect sessions I have seen so far. The speakers were fabulous and the content was very timely.”
“Besides some of the Keynote speakers from previous NACE conferences this was my favorite session! I loved the passion and directness. The candidness each presenter offered is exactly what is missing in so many areas of our society and organizations today. I could of listened to this session for much longer. Please have more sessions like this in the future. Thank you for this.”