2015 Resolution: Leave these 6 things in 2014

2015 Resolution: Leave these 6 things in 2014

It's the end of the year—two days from the New Year to be exact. And in the spirit of resolutions, let's reflect on some things we should leave in the past. No, this won't entail any of those rhythmic slogans we post as Twitter and Facebook status updates to act like we will get our act together in the new year "new year, new me" or "getting lean in 2015". Think of me as your reflection in the mirror. There's a reason you didn't fulfill (insert goal) last year and I can’t believe its just laziness. Is it perhaps that you need to remove what has been holding you hostage and create a new set of thoughts, theory's and things to focus on? Maybe. So let's get rid of the old and prepare for the new.

Leave these six things in 2014.

1. I speak to so many people—entrepreneurs, CEOs, and individuals working a 9-5—who have been bamboozled into thinking they have to have more clients, have a larger bank account, or get multiple promotions in a year, all because they want to live up to someone else's standards. They say, I look at them and see (insert a big deal to you) and I wish I were them. I say, be careful looking at someone else's lawn, it may be greener because they are dealing with a different type of s&!t. Leave: Feelings of inadequacy.

2. Do you know what crackers taste like after the pack has been left open for days? Stale. Would you eat them? Probably not. So why are you hanging on to stale, not working for you relationships? You don't have an answer? Neither do i. It may not seem easy but start with writing down your hit list of those to dismiss. (Yep, I was a rapper in a former life). Leave: Unfulfilled relationships.

3. There seems to be this internal industry debate about being a brand vs not. Most may think being a brand is reserved for big businesses. But in my book, everyone can be a brand (or has the ability very quickly to become one with a post to social media or Google search), because very simply a brand is the sum of all experiences people have with you. The branding is what may vary. Case in point, I launched ChattanoogaPR.com and as I looked online to connect with colleagues, I found ones mugshot. The point isn't that they had a mugshot, I'm sure more than a few do, but it was the first search result. That immediately gave me pause in my outreach to that company owner. I will dedicate a later post to this topic but here's the bottom line for this one, you are a brand, either you one it, or it owns you. Leave: I’m not big enough to be a brand.

4. Hey you, come closer. I have a secret to tell you...social media isn't going away. I’m not an advocate of being on every platform or following every trend, but I do advise understanding the platform that can help you build your business and your personal resume. Indeed the landscape is changing and we may decide to not use them but going away, I think not. If you were wondering, LinkedIn and Google + are both great places to start. Leave: Trends that aren’t true.

5. I have a new baby and his daycare is pricey. I should start a gofundme. Um, no. This is not how this is supposed to work. I get that people need help but seriously there has to be more depth to it. Just because your bills are due is not a good enough reason to ask for money. People will lose trust in you when you become the one who cries wolf every time NES comes knocking. Build a community, do good work, get paid for said work. That's the formula. Oh, and I do believe that crowd funding can work and has been used to help restore businesses that have experienced hardships like burglary or sudden death of an owner but make it good. You only get one shot. Leave: Crowd funding just because.

6. I once met with a company who was considering changing their PR representation. I asked lots of questions to understand the company culture, dynamic of the previous agency relationship, expectations and so forth. They hinted at not being happy with the former agency and hadn't been for a while. Because that sounds kinda silly to me I asked "so why have you continued the relationship?" The answer is one I have heard more than a handful of times, "it's just the way it's always been done." The status quo will keep you stuck. Why are we so ok with staying there? Always be auditing or find an internal board of directors to help if you must, and make changes as you see them.

Did I give you enough to kick off your plate? Consider making these changes slowly but thoughtfully so that they will stick. After all, this isn’t the gym where you purchase the year-long membership but only go during January.

Cheers to a Happy New Year!


Make a List, Check it Twice: 8 Ways to Make Your Business Nice

by Kia Jarmon for 12th & Broad

Every year around this time I take some time to focus on my business. It's exciting because I get an opportunity to look back over the last 12 months and see what I've done right, what I could do better, and what I definitely will be eliminating for the next year.

As an entrepreneur who toggles between working on and in the business, we all have said what we will do next year, next month and next week, but what about what we can do today?

Here is a checklist of items I recommend to my business and brand coaching clients so they can make a greater impact on their bottom line and be better prepared to influence the marketplace:

1. Create a list of professional and personal objectives for the year. Seems like a 'duh' moment but how many of us can look past the daily to-do list? You will then align goals to each objective so they can be accomplished. I suggest taking several sharpies to large white paper in your office. This won't be pretty but it will be worth it.

2. Dump the junk! Get rid of everything that is overwhelming or holding you back. That includes contacts in your phone, paperwork that has laid in a pile in the corner, apps that make your phone run slower, receipts and business cards that needs to be scanned in, and it may even be time to fire a client (or two) that isn't your target.

3. Contact five people you want to collaborate with in the New Year. These are long-term relationships and you should be prepared to enhance them as much as you are asking them to do the same for you. The real question is, what is the cost of not connecting with them? Probably another year of shoulda, coulda, woulda's and a ton a business and relationships.

4. Seriously, update your online brand. Start with Google. Are the top results saying something other than what you want people to know of you and your business? Then its time to devise a plan. Revamp your social networks. Update the content and don't forget to include new photos. Remember, you don't have to be everywhere but Google+ and LinkedIn blogs are good for search engine optimization (SEO).

5. Update all of your business and computer software. How can you get any work done if your brain works faster than the devices you are typing on? Run the software updates on your computer and phone, upload your entire computer contents to an online cloud system—I use WD, and download your phone data to a backup software. This may also be a time to purchase the updated versions of your accounting software or your creative suite from Adobe. Oh, and I am not giving tax advice but I have found end of the year purchases for my business to be helpful when filing taxes.

6. Outline a budget. It seems very simple and quite honestly something you should already be doing in your business but believe it or not many don't have a listing of where money is or should be going. Does your budget have line items for areas of your business for growth like marketing or professional organization fees? Even if it has a zero beside it, include those line items that you've always wanted to but couldn't afford. Believe me, just seeing it there will help you allocate something to the budget..

7. Invest in professional development. This may mean taking a class at a program like Nashville Community Education, Vanderbilt, or Watkins or it may mean joining a professional organization. Either way, be a part of something that will enhance you beyond your current knowledge.

8. Map out your business process(es). Using a program like mindmeister or even evernote, you can sit down and map out the way you will build a better system for customer relations, your internal communications, account payables and receivables, and so on. The most successful businesses have a series of processes that make things run smoother and with greater efficiency.

If you don't think you can sit down and hammer these out in one day, I challenge you to take 8 days—one task a day—and thoroughly and thoughtfully complete each item. Your business in 2015 will thank you (and me)!

Happy Holidays.

Kia Jarmon is creator of brand depth + facilitator of ideas + curator of conversation + sculptor of stories at boutique PR and brand strategy firm MEPR Agency. She also loves connecting businesses & people to their heartbeat and coaches them through a Brand Mapping program, where they navigate their brand compass. Kia is a 25 year life-time member of Girl Scouts and daily she lives by the promise "on my honor I will try…to help people at all times". Kia is also a new mommy to a handsome son. She resides in Donelson.You can find more atwww.MEPRagency.com or www.KiaJarmon.com.