kia jarmon

Business as Usual Won't Cut it...

Affectionately dubbed Kiss with a Fist, Kia has developed a reputation for delivering the hard, many times uncomfortable, truths about business. She's worked with many businesses - large and small - and particularly business owners to shift their perspective and encourage their growth through action driven strategic plans. Jarmon has been called a business ninja, and as of late business therapist, providing diagnoses and prescriptive plans that lead clients through the hard operational decisions for their business. 

Being an entrepreneur or owning a small business (which can be different) is often lauded as luxurious and fun or the hip thing to do but Kia requires that people think about the infrastructure of their business and how to spark growth from the root. After all, you can't build a solid home on a shaky foundation. 

Committed to providing business owners additional latitude to push towards innovative change, Jarmon has developed the MEPR Agency Innovation Fund, a micro business grant that will assist small businesses in tapping into tools, systems, or professional development that will enhance their business success. 

Additionally, Jarmon offers management and technical assistance to university's and entrepreneur and business centers for their clients to have a consistent accountability partner through an entrepreneur-in-residence program. If your organization is interested in Kia developing a curriculum for your organization, email or complete the form below.