How to win in the New Year.

How to win in the New Year.

Welcome to a New Year, a chance to continue your “during”. Remember, there is no before and after, only constant movement towards a final destination. When you arrive to that final place, you are no longer here. So, keep moving.

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12 Lessons Learned in 12 Years of (this)Business

12 Lessons Learned in 12 Years of (this)Business

The last twelve years have seemed to fly by. I know, I know, everyone says that but really, it’s true. It’s why we have to live life to the fullest because we’ll never get the time back. 

So, what have I learned? Enough to fill a library with an overflow storage space. But to protect your time and my fingers from typing, I’ll give you 12 amazing lessons that I hope you appreciate. 

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