12 Lessons Learned in 12 Years of (this)Business

12 Lessons Learned in 12 Years of (this)Business

The last twelve years have seemed to fly by. I know, I know, everyone says that but really, it’s true. It’s why we have to live life to the fullest because we’ll never get the time back. 

So, what have I learned? Enough to fill a library with an overflow storage space. But to protect your time and my fingers from typing, I’ll give you 12 amazing lessons that I hope you appreciate. 

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No days off! Snow Days Are for Kids.

No days off! Snow Days Are for Kids.

So my Monday went like this. Daycare is closed. Streets are pure slush. Car doors are frozen shut. Snow covers at least a ½ inch of ice. Gush of wind blows me back inside the house. But this means nothing more than my foot rocking the swing chair, my iPad is propped up on the dinner tray, and a blanket to stay warm. I’m not going outside but I must go on with my day.  

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